28 May Are You Suffering? (Personal Testimony)
About 5 years back I got really sick…
I was extremely dehydrated and drinking so much water that there was no nutrition left in my body.
Aches and pains were unbearable day to day.
All I could think about was how miserable I was and how much pain I was in.
I tried so hard to shift my focus, my thoughts, off of ‘me and what I was feeling’ as it robbed me of the peace and joy I once had and turned into depression.
My husband was a firm believer in God for answers and I was a firm believer in doctors for answers..
Though I had a solid relationship with God, there were times I felt unseen.
I was very DESPERATE for freedom and told all I needed was just a little more faith.
I had so many questions and felt so angry.
Everyone else in life seemed to be busy with their own family and I felt very alone..
I was a newer mom at home with my 1 and 3 year old.
I dreaded life and waking up to the same bondage day after day.
I saw specialist after specialist and had test after test done.
They were my hope until everyone of them ansered… ‘I have no idea, the tests are showing up normal’.
With tons of symptoms and no resolution I felt hopeless.
My devotionals sounded a lot like, Lord why?
I had heard him tell me before I had even started experiencing symptoms that I would be healed, in which made me believe He was responsible for my sickness…
I was firm in my belief that this was ‘my cup to carry’ and he was teaching me a lesson in it..
Until one day my husband and a pastor friend sat me down to talk over some truths.
I also had someone ask me, ‘Do you will for your kids to be sick and in pain in order to teach them something?’
I was almost offended by their question as I quickly responded ‘No Way!’
It breaks his heart that his children think this is His will for them.
People often believe that because he is God and he could stop ANYTHING that he is responsible for EVERYTHING.
But truth is that the ENEMY comes to steal, kill and destroy, Is what The Bible says.
It says that God comes to bring you LIFE.
It is not God’s will for you that you suffer with things like, sickness, disease, torment, pain, anxiety, depression, fear, worry etc.
The Bible says that God has given us HIS AUTHORITY to heal and be healed
but when people believe God is responsible for their sickness, they don’t think to fight against resulting in one way the enemy can keep us sick.
(If you are not familiar with this area of scripture and you would like to be, message me and I’ll send you more details)
NEWSFLASH! GOD IS NOT MAKING YOU SICK. This is not your portion.. This is not some karma that has come upon you.. This is not just life either… Stop settling!
Now there is no certain formula to your healing but breaking this ‘mind stronghold’ is going to be your first step that will allow you to move forward…
For step 2, I would encourage you to take a few minutes to WAIT and LISTEN.
Ask the Lord ‘God, What would you like to say to ME right now in my current situation?’
If you are busy while reading this, it is not the time..
In order to hear his voice for you I would recommend a time of stillness.
If you don’t have that, make it a priority because He’s worth it and so are you!
It will be your strength during times of weakness.
He has a way of showing you your not alone and He sees you.
Sometimes he will show you something, sometimes he will tell you something, sometimes he will lead you to someone, He speaks in different ways but it’s important that you don’t just bypass the One who is on your side ♡
The Bible says that his sheep hear his voice so don’t skip out on YOUR PROMISE because of unbelief or busyness.
3rd- Ask God for more revelation in this area, learning what it means to ‘take authority’ over the infirmity and symptoms your having UNTIL you experience the freedom your looking for…
Also, my husband and his ministry team take time weekly to demonstrate what it means to take authority, if your looking for someone to pray with you. (Message me for details)
Last but not least..
Next time someone asks you to send them good vibes, send them this instead ♡
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