Chucky Cheese Or Red Box Life

Jon and I wanted to do a family night the other night with the kids so we went out with no specific plans in mind. Wondering what to do with the time we had, Jon had decided that we would take the kids to Chucky Cheese. But we had both agreed that by the time we got there it would have been too late as we had to get dinner first and the drive would have been about 40 minutes. We then decided to instead grab the kids a movie and go home.

Faith did not know about our plans to Chucky Cheese and all she was aware of was the movie we rented from Redbox. She was so excited and thankful in her heart and attitude. She said mommy, thank you soooo much for getting us this movie! And she gave me a big hug.

All I could think about was Wow, if she had known the plans I (we) had for her…. and though I understood she had no choice in this particular outcome, it still made me think and so I began to ponder my own life and the plans that God has for me. Am I living the Chucky Cheese life that he originally planned or am i settling for the redbox movie? How is my attitude toward others when I’m not getting my way? Am i walking in my plans for the day or am I willing for him to switch that up on me? Is doubt coming in the way of what he is asking me to do or do I just shut that voice up and do it anyways? etc. I believe that no matter what my choice is, that God still has a great life in store for me! but I want to go further.

You see when God showed the Israelites their promised land and sent them in to scope it out they came back with a negative report. they complained, circumstances hardened their heart and their eyes allowed defeat to stand in their way. Basically they saw a wall and stopped there instead of looking to God for strategy in getting over that wall. So because they stopped there they never entered in. This was not God’s perfect plan for them.

Faith only saw blessing but had no idea of what it could have looked like. (when the teacher puts an A on your paper that is great but there is nothing like an A+) I want to live an extraordinary life! I want to be out on that boat when the winds and the waves come and when Jesus wakes up says, Wow your faith! I want to get out of the boat and focus on His face as I walk on water. I want to raise my net and not even be able to contain all the fish. Am I going to mess up? Absolutely!! Just as everyone else did in the Bible. I’m not saying that I want to live this PERFECT life because I believe that it takes many MISTAKES to see victory but in humility when I am faced with that wall in front of me, I want to sit in his presence and listen for his voice as he brings wisdom and strategy. Every time the enemy comes at me in full force I want to know how to stand a little bit stronger next time. In his presence I want to focus on what He is doing and NOT at what the enemy is doing.

So Lord set me on fire for you and open my eyes! Bring me deeper and open my ears to hear your voice! Teach me your presence and show me how to continually walk by your Spirit. Keep my eyes focused on what you are doing when the enemy comes at me. Give me discernment and remind me of the truth when lies come my way. Change me all over again and allow me to walk out the path and plan that you have set my feet to walk on. Use me and make me into something beautiful. I want to bring hope to the hopeless and light to the dark. I thank you that what you have started in me you will finish 🙂 amen

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