28 May Mind Renewal
I’m remembering back to 2007, where I encountered God so miraculously and He delivered me from the drug addiction I was in bondage to. In the days to follow now I had my part to do… If everything did not change then nothing would have changed. It all started with the influence that came through my life daily. Were those people in my life building me up and loving me or were they influencing me negatively and dragging me down? All of that negativity had to change/go in order for me to live this new life out .
All of our thoughts that come to us daily are either founded on lies from the enemy or grounded on the truth of God’s Word. They, like friends, either build us up and bring life or bring us down to the grave.
You see the truth is that the enemy lies to us and makes us believe that the things we are hearing from him are actually our own own thoughts (a few of them are our own but many are from him) and that things will not/could not ever change. They become comfortable just like our old friends or we just feel stuck and don’t know what to do next. So we live with it and we blame God for the “just barely above water” life that we live. We read the Bible where it talks about us living an abundant life and we think that’s a lie, when the truth is what we are living and believing is the lie!
In the Bible it says that we are new in Christ and to take every thought captive (renew our minds.) He (God) gives us the keys to unlocking this abundant life (mind renewal). But anything in life that is worth fighting for takes work to get there. A marriage takes continual and consistent forgiveness. Getting a M-F paycheck at the end of the week means you went back to work over and over in order to get paid. There are many examples in life where we have to continually work at something in order to receive the prize. The same goes with mind renewal. It is not just a one time thing. It is in every moment of every day.
So how do we test our thoughts? The Bible says that God brings life and life in abundance… The devil comes to steal, kill and destroy. So in order to take each thought captive, ask yourself, is this thought bringing me life or death? That is the very simplest way to start.
Next the most important thing is to get familiar with what the Word (Bible) has to say. It’s not enough just to recognize the lie without replacing it with the truth….
For example, someone may say ” I would ask God but I don’t want to bother him, he’s got enough to do up there without all my problems .” (LIE)
(TRUTH) the Bible says that nothing can separate me from the love of God and that I am a child of God so if I am a child of God wouldn’t he want to help me as I would want to help my children?! I have access to God through the Holy Spirit and He says to call to him and ask him and he will tell me great and unsearchable things that I do not know! He says I don’t have because I don’t ask… so I’m going to ask him because the Bible also says that I can hear his voice. Etc
The only way you are going to know what the Bible says and start receiving the truth is to get familiar with it. Just one day at a time. One situation at a time. It’s like meeting someone new… A friendship starts somewhere and you, overtime begin to learn more and more about that person and it doesn’t just happen overnight. The New Testament is a great place to start. It’s not about how much you read (in a day) but what the Spirit is saying to you in that moment for what you are reading. Allow time for meditation and prayer in through what you are struggling with because meditation brings revelation and prayer brings the power to walk it out . It’s one thing to know through head knowledge but it’s another thing to actually receive and believe. Its life changing!! It is life giving!!
So who are you listening to today? Father I just pray for everyone that is struggling in this area that is reading this…. You are our teacher! Lead us by your Holy Spirit and show us what to do in every moment. Help us to discern and recognize your voice from the enemy. Open our eyes to Scripture in ways that we’ve never seen it before. You sacrificed your life to bring us life . This Is your good will for us! Thank you Lord.
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