28 May Relationship and heart positioning.
This morning I dropped the kids off for a couple hours to a beautiful Ministry called, mother’s morning out… during the summer time they have it every other week and it helps out so much with running errands.
When we walk in the door both kids walk to their classes and start playing while I get Keegan adjusted.
Aiden had a new volunteer in his room as the teacher. Faith was not in his class either so he felt so alone.
He never refused, kicked, screamed or threw a fit demanding that he would not go in the room, instead he was humble and submissive and tears just ran down his face as he stood there, sad. How can you walk away from a heart like that, as my heart was broken with his.
There have been times where I just kick and scream inside throughout my battles and my attitude shows my heart… I have found that when I am finally at the end of myself and I feel that switch in my heart, God comes through almost instantly!
Aiden trusts me. I have that connection with him and our relationship is solid. I knew what was going on inside of him immediately and I would have never left him in that condition, on his own to handle himself (cause he’s my boy)….
He sat on my lap and looked up and listened to me as I spoke to him. I gave him direction, love and security. I dried his tears and he went off to play in my presence. Five minutes later I left and he waved goodbye.
God wants this relationship with us. This is relationship… I know Aiden and he knows me. In the tough times, the fun and every season of life that we go through together…. he knows my thoughts about him and my love for him beyond any doubt.
God speaks to us, and gives us his word and promises (the Bible), he never leaves us and no matter what situation we are going through, we can go to him and find that peace, comfort, security, faith and trust that we need in difficult times. If Aiden did not know me, he would have never come to me (believed) or trusted me even if I said that I was there to help him.
When you’re not spending time with God in His presence and getting to know him for who He is (to you) and what His Word has to say (to you) then you are just barely getting by. This is not God’s plan for you.
Jesus modeled this for us through scripture… He had the Holy Spirit living inside of him and he communed with his father always. He knew his father’s ways and plans. And even through the toughest of times, he replied “not my will but yours” and through humility and obedience towards the destiny that God had for his life (instead of kicking and screaming, complaining or cutting ears off as his friends did) his life was a beautiful testimony and freedom for all! And yes he was God, but now we all have God living inside of us called the Holy Spirit that enables us to live like Jesus and do the things that he did, and greater.
So if you are just barely getting by or you don’t know him and you would like to know him, it doesn’t have to start big… just start by speaking your heart to Him. He loves you
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