
What does it look like to surrender? The definition for surrender is to cease resistance, Give up or hand over (give away, back down, throw in the towel, cave in, give oneself up)

Is there an area in your life that looks like total chaos? Has God given you direction as to what he would have you do but for one reason or another you headed in a different direction? Did what the Lord ask you to do seem too hard? Jonah heard the Lord very specifically and knew what he was supposed to do but chose a different way.

So the Lord sent a storm (Jonah 1:4)… (Sometimes He will do what it takes to get our attention)

At the end of verse 5 it says Jonah went below the deck where “he lay down and fell asleep” (discouragement)
But as everyone around was being affected, verse 6 says the captain went to him and said how can you sleep? Get up and do something about this.

In verses 8- 11, as time went on, the sea got rougher and rougher.

Jonah knew the next steps he was supposed to take which was to be thrown into the sea by the men . But the men instead did their best to row back to land and the storm grew even wilder and wilder. (sometimes our friends may try and help us out and may have our best in mind but because they have limited understanding as to what is really going on, or what God is doing and it just draws out the process. So now everyone is in the storm together, for longer.)
Finally verse 15 says they took Jonah and threw him overboard and the raging sea grew calm.

There are a few life application that we can take from this…

If you are jonah…. Be encouraged. It may help to soak yourself in the truths and grace of the prodigal son (luke 15)
Another good area to meditate in is…. 2 chronicles 7:14

And if you are the friend who is trying to help… make sure that you are going to God for clear direction continually until you are asked to step out (by God). It’s easy to go to Him (God) and ask what the other person needs to do but they should also be seeking these answers as well. Continually point to the Father so that the focus is not placed on you or in you. There is nothing wrong with leading someone in the way they should go but don’t do their work for them. Make sure your ‘ways’ are lining up with His ways. And share the truth when they need to hear it (even when it hurts because when it is God speaking he will normally confirm it himself to that individual)

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