The Red Wagon

The night before last I sat down to watch a recording by Danny silk and in asking God which one I should watch out of the six that I had in front of me I heard him say the ‘living on purpose’ video.

In the video it gave a couple snapshots of some different words that allowed you to more define your ministry and where God is leading you in your life currently so that you can stay focused.

Then he explained that it is kind of like going into a junk yard and needing to find parts for a red wagon. But while you are in the junkyard you get off track as you find other treasures, a brand new fridge that you try and carry out and then you find something else that you can’t believe someone trashed and you put that inside the fridge and try and carry it out… And in the end you are loaded up with all of these things and you wonder why you’re so busy (learning boundaries and saying no)

In the end he encouraged us to stay focused and find all the parts to that red wagon… In the video through the little test or examination that they had us take they had us narrow down our words to only 6 that would describe ministry for us personally. My 6 were connect, hear, love, counsel, teaching and women.

I am a part of a women’s group every Monday morning and so I would be walking into that very setting… As I tried to get into the church it was locked so I had to take a different route to get in. And as I was walking down the hallway this is what I saw! What?!?! This was soooo cool to me.

God is always speaking! True joy comes when you’re walking in his will for you. Praying that God would open your eyes to see something for YOU today! May it create a hope inside of you as you are expectant for him to show up 🙂
Isaiah 30:18 (NIV) Yet the Lord longs to be gracious to you; therefore he will rise up to show you compassion. For the Lord is a God of justice. Blessed are all who wait for him!

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