28 May Where to Start In Spending Time With God
I believe there are a lot of people who would like to spend time with God but do not know how or once they set the time aside to do it they don’t know what to do and just Give up. So I would like to share with you what I do in my time with the Lord and maybe you can grab some ideas for yourself.
First I start out by setting individual time to spend with him daily. I do this first thing in the morning because that works for me. I wake up before everyone in the house ( yes it is a sacrifice but worth it) that way my time is not interrupted. I believe that is super important. Many times people spend time with him at night before bed so it is whatever works for you but I usually find that before bed I am way too tired. You will always make time for what is most important to you.
I have always personally loved journaling this way I can go back and look at what God has been doing over the year. I also love the fact that when my kids get older they can read through my journals or if for some reason something was to ever happen to me this shares with my children every intimate detail of my relationship with God so that they can learn from my example and get to know me in ways that children never get to know their parents.
I normally start journaling and seeking God on what is most important that is going on for that day or what happened yesterday… Maybe I need help in a specific area, struggles or a praise report concerning something. After I journal all this out depending on what the situation is, then I go DEEPER. (listening next for what the Holy Spirit what have you do is what is most important!!)
Maybe he will lead me in writing out a prayer for my specific situation or he will bring me to a reference in the Bible that talks about a similar situation if not the situation itself. Or I will sit and listen for the Holy Spirit to show me something about what is going on. Maybe it is a hurt that I need healing in and I will ask him to show me some things. If he tells me to go to the Bible and look up my situation sometimes I will Google where to find it or something related to it. Then I will go search out and read. Many time if I am going through something he will show me the truth about it so that if I have been believing any lies I can replace them with truth to find breakthrough (you will know the truth and the truth will set you free). Sometimes I will look up key words to in the dictionary to get a fuller meaning to what area he is trying to show me. Listening is key to everything! He will instruct you! Even while in the middle of my reading I can hear what he has to say to me. (if you search for him as treasure you will find him)
Throughout everything he is showing me, I journal that out too. ( again this is not something that you have to do just something that I choose to do) I will journal the amazing things that he has shown me or told me and then I will pray everything out. I believe strongly in DETAIL! ( detail goes deep, it’s not just a surface thing) for example, maybe he gave me wisdom on how to do something, I will then say Lord show me how to do this and lead me when I’m going through that and when this happens show me what to do, etc.
After we are finished I then ponder everything that he has shown me and everything that he is to me! just continuing to listen and by this point I am so thankful in my heart for what he has shown me for the day. I just sit and thank him individually for everything he has shown me and for revealing more of himself to me. this area I would call worship.
Last I pray about anything that my family or friends has asked me to pray about for them. I make this last because my relationship with him is first. Also I pray for people throughout the day when they ask me to so in my time with God I make it between him and I first. (this also prevents me from focusing on everyone else and then feeling empty after my time with God) if God comes first then ministry will naturally flow
Without the Spirit, it is lifeless and waking up before everyone else will just be something that gets tiring if there’s no excitement. But when the Spirit communes with you then nothing more will be exciting than to wake up and spend another day with him! And it does not just stop there. Throughout the day I am listening and praying about situations and circumstances as well. Another HUGE key in your relationship. When you are continually focused on him and what he has to say about your matter, nothing else matters and your Giants becomes smaller. Not saying that they are by anyway invisible but he will give you the strength, power and wisdom on what steps to take next. I hope this helps.
(to anyone reading this, please feel free to write what works for you also this way people who could use help will learn from you as well
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