Accessing Peace
I use to be a really stressed out and busy person. (by the word busy I do not mean work related purposes...
May 28, 2020 | Nikki George
I wanna share with you this morning a few ways the enemy comes to steal, kill and destroy. He’s crafty and he understands that one of the greatest ways of getting to us is through our FEELINGS. He uses situations that are most important to you. Like goals.. and looks to point out any weak moments or minor setbacks your...
May 28, 2020 | Nikki George
About 5 years back I got really sick… I was extremely dehydrated and drinking so much water that there was no nutrition left in my body. Aches and pains were unbearable day to day. All I could think about was how miserable I was and how much pain I was in. I tried so hard to shift my focus, my...
May 28, 2020 | Nikki George
This season I am beginning to see people through a whole new lense. I’m noticing and paying attention to how I’m treating others and how others are being treated. I’m seeing how big of a deal it is to God! He’s showing me the importance of how we respond to people throughout the day (situations big and small). Sometimes it...
May 28, 2020 | Nikki George
This morning I just wanna take time to pray for those who have lost a loved one.. Where one day your whole world caved in and life stopped. If only you could have one more day, one more memory together, one more moment. Some expected, some unexpected but it’s all the same.. Just looking for some kind of closure but...
May 28, 2020 | Nikki George
Just wanna encourage those that are experiencing opposition today.. Don’t think your prayers. Pray your prayers. You’re not in this alone. He’s with you. He sees you and He’s your Helper. Just wanna pray over you today that the Lord would open your eyes to see your circumstances as HE SEES THEM. May It Give you a whole new perspective...
I use to be a really stressed out and busy person. (by the word busy I do not mean work related purposes...
I used to read areas of the Bible and so desired my life and who I was, to be that way...
I wanted to share a personal testimony with this group because I feel that so many other moms struggle in these areas as well. One thing that has changed the atmosphere in our home (attitudes of my kids) has been me taking individual time, on purpose, in connecting with my children(and their hearts). I used to go about my day...
It is just mind-blowing with the Lord has been showing me through revelation on the topic of obedience...
Back in 2007 on September 20th, I found God. He pulled me out of a dark place that was in over my head. I fell in love with him and life was never the same. As a Christian we go through many different seasons and sometimes it feel so difficult to get back to where we started out when we...
What does it look like to surrender? The definition for surrender is to cease resistance, give up or hand over (give away, back down, throw in the towel, cave in, give oneself up) Is there an area in your life that looks like total chaos? Has God given you direction as to what he would have you do but for one...
Nikki George is a ministry extension of Jon George Ministries. This organization is under the covering and ordination of Jon George Ministries Inc, Florida, USA. When donating all payments will go to Jon George Ministries and will be distributed accordingly.