Last night I was speaking with an individual on the phone who was sharing with me some details about her recent divorce that she just went through. She said 'Nikki, he ended up getting the house and everything we owned! I really thought the Lord would have done things differently?!' And in that moment the Holy Spirit reminded me of Abram and Lot. In...

I often get offended or take personal, someone elses attitude and I want to be free from that! Have you ever had a really moody boss that you walk on eggshells around and it almost paralyzes you? Are your children often being negative Nancys and you just want to hide because you feel like it's wearing off on you? Are there people in...

It just blows me away how much power we have over our lives. In every single circumstance, all throughout the day, we have a choice as to what we do with how we're feeling, thoughts that we think, and the attitudes that come along with both of them. Lord help me to remember this more than I do. I used to think that we just wake up...

Jon and I are coming up on our 7th year anniversary. Recently my husband put a post on Facebook about me that was so encouraging, but there's a story that goes with it. When we first met, we hit it off right away! He was literally, an answer to prayer and as was I. I had asked the Lord specifically for two things, First...

Most of my life I have felt alone. It's funny how you can have so many people in your life that surround you, are for you...

I have a very strong willed child! So strong, so determined, so headset and doesn't give up very easily (at all). I wonder how many times God says this about me! Lol. A few seasons back I cried almost every other day if not every day, over this. It is so difficult and so exhausting at times! I can understand that there are special needs...

Before I was a stay at home mom I worked in the restaurant industry for about 15 years. I waited on tables and did a few years of management. I loved my job and my customers knew it. When I first met the Lord, I was waitressing. He would reveal himself to me during my shift in many different ways. I looked for him. This is...

In a study that was done in asking people what they want from life, the most common answer was, "I JUST WANT TO BE HAPPY." Some years back, I wanted this same thing. It was up and down and my emotions followed. When things and circumstances were right, I was happy. But any time any resistance came at me, I was one of the many emotions...

Yesterday morning my daughter and I were taking showers in separate areas of the house. When she got out of the shower she did not see a towel, so she stood in the bathroom and continually, over and over, started screaming MOM! Because she was screaming, she could not hear me trying to respond. After about the 18th time of hearing her scream...